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2009年09月27日 17:32:26 来源:宁夏平罗县中小学英语教研网 访问量:252
I. 问句应答(Responses 1—5 ADDCC
II. 对话理解(Dialogues
 A) 6—10:BDABC    B) 11—15:BCDA 16—20:DBCAD
III. 短文理解(Passages
A) 21—25 CABDA
B) 26. in a hurry  27. the gym  28. think  29. half an hour  30. slow you down
I. 选择填空(Multiple-choice
31—35: BDCDA     36—40: ACB    41—45: DCAAB
II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension   46—50: DABCA
51. you love/like     52. Ingredients.
53. Because a gold spoon doesn’t affect the taste of ice cream./Because other kinds of spoons affect the ice Cream’s taste.
54. To protect his special tasting skills.          55. 5.
56. Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil.                 57. Rio de Janeiro.
58. About 350south latitude, 580 west longitude.    59. East.
60. 听上去很熟悉吧?大部分修过任何一种数学课程的人都曾有过这种经历。
61. 多年以前,如果你被一道数学题难住,你很难寻求到帮助。数学不同于其他学科,你常常很难从书
62. ways of getting help with maths homework/problems
63. imagine yourself/imagine you are
64. learning to play a musical instrument
65.Call homework telephone lines. Try homework help programmes or Web pages on the Internet. Ask a live volunteer teacher.
III. 完形填空(Cloze
A) 66. attractions  67. height   68. exciting   69. designers  70. surprisingly
B) 71. consist     72. changes    73. result(s)    74. increased    75. longer
76. different    77. freedom    78. bringing    79. more     80. outside
IV. 翻译(Translation
81. What I appreciate is her optimistic view of events.
82. Obviously, he meant that the conference should come to an end.
83. I don’t feel like going to the cinema. I heard that the movie is a little boring.
84. As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed.
85. Absorbed in computer games, he forgot to translate the report for his boss.
V. 短文改错(Error correction
Dear Li Fei,
Well, here I am in the UK. Everything’s OK, but you won’t believe this! I got robbed on my first day here! I was walking back to my hotel then two young                86. when
guys stopped me. I tried to run away, but they threatened me with a knife.   87.
I thought they are going to hurt me, so I handed over all my money, my watch,                    88. were
everything. Then they ran off. I was so shock that I couldn’t really speak 89. shocked
for five minutes. Then I realised that there were several of other people in 90.去掉of
the street and nobody had tried to do something about it. I got really angry and 91.anything
started shouting at everyone! I could have killed and they were all just    92. been
standing around, watching. I reported to the police. My dad sent me      93. it                           
some money, it was a big help, and now I’m just trying to make the most
94. whichit 前加and
of rest of my time here. Anyway, I hope you’re well. All the best, Zhang Lu
95. of 后加the
                                                                                                       VI. 智力测试(IQ 96. The Nile.    97.×+-     98.
99. 132 ft      100. PAINFUL
A) One possible version:
...I’d start in Oxford. It’s a beautiful city, and it’s near the airport. You could visit several famous universities there. The next day, you could go to Stratford and visit Shakespeare’s birthplace and, if you have time afterwards, you could also visit Warwick Castle.
 I know you like the countryside, so why don’t you go to the Peak District after that? It’s wonderful for walking and there aren’t too many tourists. After that, Manchester is not far. It’s got great night life.
B) One possible version:
My cousin Tom is one of my heroes. I admire him because about six years ago he made a difficult decision and carried on without complaining. Unfortunately, Tom’s parents divorced when he was ten. He has a younger sister, Lily, who was six then. Tom and Lily lived with their mother. Then their mother became very ill. Advised that he and Lily should go to live with their father, Tom refused. From the age of 12, he took charge of his home. Helping his mother and looking after Lily, he had little time for himself. However, he always seemed cheerful and made us all laugh at family parties, even though he was missing so much of the fun that most teenagers have.
    Last year, a new treatment meant that his mother’s health began to improve. Now, Tom’s life is easier, but he will always be a person I admire.
Part I. Responses
    Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one. Each question will be read only once.
1. Hi, Mike! Is it all right if I use your bike?
2. Have you ever tried English food?
3. You seem to be very busy. Shall I collect the tickets for you?
4. Could you tell me a little about yourself?
5. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
Part II. Dialogues
  A) Listen to the following mini-dialogues and choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.
6. W: Tommy, you look terrible.
 M: I had a restless night. I was thinking about today’s maths and science exams.
 W: Don’t worry about the results. Just do your best.
 Question: Why didn’t the man get any sleep last night?
7. W: Take a look at this cell phone. I’ve been wanting one like this for ages.
 M: Wow, Jenny, it’s fantastic!
W: Yes, it’s really something. But just look at the price label. I don’t think I can afford it.
 Question: Where does the conversation probably take place?
8. M: Did you hear how many people were killed in the plane crash?
 W: No, I didn’t. But can we change the subject? It makes me really upset.
 Question: What does the woman think of the subject?
9. W: You’re late again.
 M: I’m sorry, but there’s a good reason.
 W: Is there?
 M: Yes. The freeway was closed because of the heavy snow.
 Question: Why was the man late?
10. W: Hi, Mr Green. You look great.
   M: Thanks.
  W: What do you do to stay so healthy?
   M: I go jogging three times a week.
   Question: What are they talking about?
   B) Listen to the following dialogues and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogues will be read twice.
Dialogue One
W: Hello, Supertravel. How can I help you?
M: I’d like some information about flights to Italy.
W: Where do you want to go?
M: Rome. I want to leave on Tuesday the 6th of May and come back on Saturday the 10th.
W: It’ll be much cheaper if you stay the Saturday night and come back on Sunday the 11th.
M: OK then, I’ll go from the 6th to the 11th. I’d like to fly early in the morning if possible.
W: There’s a flight leaving London at 8.30 on the 6th, getting to Rome at 12.00, and then for the return flight, there’s one leaving at 9.00 getting to London at 12.30. Is that OK?
M: Yes, that’s fine. Did you say I’ll get to Rome at 12.30 on the 6th of May?
W: No, at 12.00. You leave at 8.30.
M: And the flight back gets in at 12.30 on the 11th?
W: That’s right.
M: How much does it cost?
W: It costs195.
M: OK, that’s fine. I’d like to book a return ticket for those flights.
W: Can I have your name please?
M: Yes, Robert Brown.
W: And your credit card details.
M: Yes, it’s a Visa card...
Dialogue Two
M: So, how long have you been living here?
W: About six months now.
M: Why did you choose Beirut?
W: Because, Mike-my husband-and I have always loved Arab culture and the language. Mike’s an English teacher and he got a job here in a language school.
M: Why did you want to take a year off?
W: Basically I wanted a break from teaching. I love teaching children but I needed a change. Also I’ve been drawing and painting since I was little but I’ve never really had the chance to study drawing. So this seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a change and learn to draw properly.
M: What have you been doing here since you arrived?
W: Well, I found a fantastic art teacher, called Omayma, and I’ve been having classes with her since October. She’s great and she speaks English, which is lucky, because I don’t know much Arabic yet. But I’m learning the language as quickly as I can.
M: Is Arabic a difficult language to learn?
W: Incredibly difficult! Especially the pronunciation. You have to learn to make a lot of new sounds.
Part III. Passages
    Passage A
    Listen to thefollowing material and choose the best answer to each question. The material will be read twice.
Here is the 6 o’clock news.
Police arrested a 27-year-old man in Hamilton this morning in connection with the National Bank robbery last Friday. The man was stopped by police after a car salesman advised them that a man with a large quantity of cash was trying to buy a car. The National Bank was robbed last Friday when an armed man entered and threatened bank staff. He made off with about ten thousand dollars in cash.
   Scientists in Adelaide last week tested a new electric car that they say can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometres an hour. The car is driven by two rechargeable batteries that last for about 500 kilometres. Scientists at the StateAutomotive Research Institute in Adelaide believe that this is the most economical electric car so far invented.
    Bad weather closed the Desert Road for five hours yesterday. Many motorists were trapped in their cars in freezing conditions. Heavy snow continues to fall, and the Highways Department advises motorists to use chains if travelling on the Desert Road.
    That brings us to the weather forecast, for tonight and tomorrow. A belt of bad weather...
     Passage B
    Listen to the following material and fill in the missing information in each numbered space with no more than three words. The material will be read twice. Well, I’m going to give you some tips on how to keep healthy.
    Tip number 1. Eat breakfast sitting down. Most people stay in bed until the  last minute and then have a coffee and a piece of toast standing up. This is really bad for you, because it means that you start the day in a hurry. Your body and mind are already moving too fast. So do yourself a favour. Get up ten minutes earlier every day and have breakfast - nice and slowly.
    Tip number 2. Forget the gym, and do yoga instead. Many people go to the gym after work to do exercise because they think that this relaxes them, but it doesn’t, believe me. I really think that a gym is a very stressful place. Forget the gym and try doing yoga. Yoga will not only help you to get fit, but it will also slow your body down and help you to think more clearly.
And finally, tip number 3. Have a bath, not a shower. Having a shower is very quick and convenient but it is another part of our fast -living culture. When you come home from work, instead of having a shower, have a bath and spend half an hour there. A bath is one of the most relaxing things you can do and it will really help to slow you down at the end of a hard day.

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