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2009年09月27日 17:31:03 来源:宁夏平罗县中小学英语教研网 访问量:275
I. 问句应答Responses  1—5  ACDBA
II. 对话理解(Dialogues
6—10  CACCD     11—15  DDAAD     16—20  CDCAB
III. 短文理解(Passages 21—25  DCBDB
26. 13-28    27. Athens     28. Cloudy      29. Sunny     30. 6-14
I. 选择填空Multiple-choice
31—35  ACDAB    36—40  ABCBA    41—45  ABADB
II 阅读理解(Reading comprehension
A) 46—50 BCABC     
B) 51. In a church
 52. Her wedding day
 53. The examination building / In the university
 54. Pat’s parents’golden wedding anniversary
 55. Holding a big party
 56. Diego Ramirez.
 57. $30.
 58. Wax, wood, and feathers.
 59. Technology 4U.
 60. Urban Legends.
 61. 1975 年,一位没有什么名气的导演拍了一部电影,故事发生在美国的一个小镇,一个旅游胜地,讲的是一条鲨鱼袭击人的情况。
 62. 他会为我们展现一些令人感到惊讶的事情,让我们为之同时又哭泣又欢呼。
 63. Jaws.
64. It contains very realistic war scenes / some of the most realistic war scenes ever shown.
65. They all cried and cheered when they saw the movie. / They loved it.
III. 完形填空(Cloze
A) 66. tourist    67. business  68. discovered   69. looking   70. absolutely
B) 71. watches 72. However   73. take    74. bodies  75. about
76. example  77. when      78. often 79. best     80. prevent
IV. 翻译(Translation
81. The tall man who / that is standing over there is my (younger) brother.
82. He failed the exams as a result of spending too much time on computer games.
83. Take an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain.
84. I’m really looking forward to going to Beijing with you.
85. I referred to my watch for the exact time.
V. 短文改错(Error correction
Dear Sam,
I have accepted the reference book you sent to me.             86. received
Here I wish to express my thank to you for your kindness.       87. thanks                                 
At present I am write an English article on friends and          88. writing                                  
friendship. Eager to have a reference book, I searched           89.                                   
several bookstores for it, but, to my surprise, I can’t             90. couldn’t                                  
find the book I wanted it. I was worrying about it               91. it                                        
while you happened to appear. You immediately                92. when                                            
offered to lend yours. That was very kind of you.                93. me                                      
The book you posted to me will certain be helpful.             94.certainly                                        Thanks again! I will return to you as soon as possible.            95. return it                              
VI. 智力测试(IQ
96. =1 =5 =7 =3
97. HO  (LE) AN / HO (ME) AN
98. O. The letters represent a number based on their position in the alphabet. The total for each triangle equals 60.
99. Only 30 minutes. The alarm clock went off at 9 pm.
100. A clock with a second hand.
VII. 写作(Writing
A) One possible version:
One day, a man came across a woman who was struggling with a heavy package. It was half in and half out of her car. He offered to help her. They tried to move it together, but did not make any progress. They stopped several times for rests and then continued. Then the man said there was no way to get the package out of the car.After hearing this, the woman told the man she actually wanted to get the package into the car, not out of it. They finally knew what the problem was.
A)       One possible version:
Is it better to sit at the front of the classroom or at the back? Different students will have different opinions, but for my part, I prefer to sit at the front of the classroom.As an old Chinese saying goes: “Nopressure,no motivation.”Sitting at the front of the classroom puts some pressure on me. This helps me concentrate on what the teacher says and writes. On the other hand, if I sit at the back of the classroom, I may not listen to the teacher so carefully. What’s worse, sometimes I won’t be able to hear the teacher or see clearly what he / she writes on the blackboard. As a result, I might lose interest in my work. Overall, my opinion is that sitting at the front of the classroom is better for my studies.
Part I. Responses
     Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one. Each question will be read only once.
1. You look unhappy. What’s the problem?
2. Christmas is coming. Do you have any plans for your holiday?
3. I want to go to New York but I’m not sure of the best way to get there. Can you help me?
4. It’s a beautiful evening, Tom. Why don’t we go out for a walk?
5. The new supermarket opened last Saturday. Have you been there, Mr Salt?
Part II. Dialogues
     A ) Listen to the following mini-dialogues and choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.
6. M: Can I help you?
   W: I’d like a box of chocolates, please. How much are these?
   M: Ten pounds. These are particularly good chocolates.
   W: OK, I’ll take them.
   Q: What does the woman buy?
7. W: Could you help me take this bag to my room, please?
   M: Sorry, what did you say?
  W: I asked if you could take this for me.
   M: Yes, of course.
   Q: What does the woman want the man to do?
8. M: Hello. Is Mr Davidson here, please? This is Lin Tao speaking. We met in Beijing.
   W: I’m sorry he is on holiday in Paris this week. Would you like to leave a message?
   M: Yes. Please tell him to give me a call before I leave London for New York.
   Q: Where is Mr Davidson now?
9. W: Why aren’t you going to your classes?
   M: Because they’re so boring. I would go if they were more interesting. Anyway, I always get bad marks.
   W: Well, that’s not surprising. If you spent less time playing computer games and worked harder, you wouldn’t have so many problems.
   Q: Why does the boy get low marks?
10. M: Tell me about your mother. What does she look like?
   W: Well, she’s quite elderly now. She’s of medium height, and has short hair. She’s still quite attractive, I think. What else can I say? Oh, well, you can see for yourself in an hour.
   M: Great! I’m looking forward to meeting her.
Q: What does the girl’s mother look like?
B) Listen to the following dialogues and choose the best answer or picture for each question. The dialogues will be read twice.
Dialogue One
M: Good afternoon.
W: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
M: Have you got any beds for tonight?
W: Yes, I think so. How long would you like to stay?
M: Just two nights.
W: OK. One night costs65 for a single room.
M: Is it far from the hotel to the centre of Canterbury?
W: Yes, it’s ten kilometres.
M: Is there a bus service?
W: Yes, it takes about fifteen minutes. There’s a bus every hour.
M: When does the last bus leave the city centre?
W: I think it leaves at 9 o’clock in the evening.
M: What time do you close the bar in the evenings?
W: 11 pm.
M: And the last question, are you serving dinner tonight?
W: Yes, we’re serving dinner until 8 o’clock. Breakfast starts at 7:30.
M: OK, thank you very much.
Dialogue Two
M: Where is the sports club? Is it near here?
W: Yes! It’s next to the chocolate factory.
M: Oh, I think I know where that is. So when can children use the club? I mean, which days?
W: Well, it’s open for everyone from Friday to Tuesday, but it’s closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
M: Oh. That’s very good. They’d like to use it at the weekend. And what are the opening hours?
W: It opens at 9 am. Sorry, 9:15 and it closes every night at 10:30.
M: Excellent!
W: Anything else?
M: Yes, there’s one thing. What’s the name of the club?
W: It’s the Hurley Sports Club. H-U-R-L-E-Y. The same as the road.
M: Right, thanks. And have you got their telephone number?
W: Mmmm. Let me see. Oh, yes. Here it is. It’s 400-3197.
M: Thanks very much.
W: That’s OK. Perhaps our children will meet at the club.
Part III: Passages
Passage A: Listen to the following material and choose the best answer to each question. The material will be read twice.
M: As you all know, Tom’s been working here for many years. You’re also all very aware that he wouldn’t want a big party when he leaves. However, I’m sure you’ll agree that we must do something! When he leaves next month, I want him to go out with a bang, with something that he’s going to really remember and shows him the way we all feel about how good he’s been to work with. So, if anyone’s got any suggestions about a suitable location, what to include on the menu, besides his beloved whisky, and, of course, gift ideas, please come and have a word with me in the next day or two. Oh, and if there are any volunteers to take on the organising, I’d be delighted to hear from them, too.
Passage B: Listentothefollowing material and fill in the missing information in the numbered spaces. The material will be read twice.
Forecaster: Now let’s look at what the weather will be like tomorrow in London and other main cities around the world. In London, it will be a breezy but bright day with sunshine. There will be a fresh south-westerly wind. The highest temperature will be 28 degrees. Tonight, there’ll be rain. The lowest temperature will be 13 degrees.
    Here’s the weather forecast for some other main cities.Athens, cloudy, 12-20 degrees; Bangkok, cloudy, 17- 26 degrees; Cairo, sunny, 13-18 degrees; Geneva, cloudy, 8-13 degrees; Moscow, snowy, minus 14 to minus 8 degrees; New York, sunny, minus 7-0 degrees; Paris, sunny, 15-25 degrees; Rome, rainy, 6-14 degrees and finally Beijing, sunny, 5-13 degrees. That’s all for today’s weather forecast. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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