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2009年09月27日 17:24:09 来源:宁夏平罗县中小学英语教研网 访问量:379
I 句子理解(Sentences     1—5   CAADB
II 问句应答(Responses    6—10 BABCD
III. 对话理解(Dialogues   A) 11—15   CADAD      B) 16—20 AADCB
IV 短文理解(Passages
A)    21—25 BCBAD
B) 26. Red    27. 37     28. 2830065    29. South    30. Trinity
I. 选择填空(Multiple-choice
    A) 31—35 DBCAD
    B) 36—40 DBBCB        41—45 CDAAD           46—50 BCBDB
II 阅读理解(Reading comprehension
    A) 51—55 CACCD
    B) 56. fastest  57. expensive   58. energy   59. weather  60. new medicines
    61. 很多来访者喜欢袋鼠,但是许多澳大利亚人却认为它们是个大问题。
62. 如果袋鼠的数目更少些,每个袋鼠就可能得到更多的食物,它们也不必靠近人类了。
63. Because they can easily jump fences.
64. When there is no rain for a long time.
65. Not to touch or get near to kangaroos.
66. Because he has them for only a few weeks in May.
67. Beefburgers.
68. Italy.
69. Potatoes and carrots.
70. Nigel.
III. 完形填空(Cloze
A) 71. for   72. so   73. money   74. him   75. second     76. all
77. ice creams   78. young    79. every   80. far away
B) 81. thank   82. be   83. said   84. make   85. to cut     86. put
87. waited  88. saw   89. was   90. had
IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation
A)       91. There is  92. by boat   93. Why not  94. taller than  95. helps; with
V. 翻译(Translation
     96. It’s important for Liu Lin to learn English.
     97. Is your home far away from your school?
     98. What an interesting book it is!
     99. Jim should talk with his parents about his problem (s).
     100. Yesterday I wanted to go shopping with them, but I was too busy.
VI. 智力测试(IQ
     101. 53.      102. waiter
     103. 7.10 + 3 + 8= 21; 4 + 13 + 4 = 21; 5 + 10 + 6 = 21; 9 + 5 + 7 = 21
     104. B.       105. Know the place very well. / 了如指掌。
VII. 写作(Writing
A) One possible version:
Don’t worry. I won’t forget Lulu’s birthday next week. I ordered some flowers for 15 pounds from Nice Flower Shop. They will send the flowers to Lulu’s address in York on 25 November. I also chose a nice card and asked the girl in the shop to write on the card “Happy Birthday, Lulu. Lots of love from Maria.” I’m sure Lulu will like the flowers and the card.
B) One possible version:
However, Jerry’s little sister, Susan, didn’t want to stay at home. She asked  Jerry to take her out to play. Jerry loved his little sister very much, so he agreed. They went to the field. When Susan saw a beautiful butterfly, she asked her brother to catch it for her. Then Jerry began to run after the butterfly. He ran so fast that he didn’t see a big stone on the ground and he fell over. When he stood up, he found there was a big hole in his T-shirt.

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