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2009年09月27日 17:35:42 来源:宁夏平罗县中小学英语教研网 访问量:467
I. 问句应答(Responses 1—5:  DABCA
II. 对话理解(Dialogues
A) 6—10:  BADAC      B) 11—15:  DBDCA     16—20:  CCBAD
III. 短文理解(Passages   A) 21—25:  CBADB
B) 26. a London engineer      27. the cost / the price / the expense
28. a cat’s eyes / cats’eyes       29. a year / one year 30. invention
I. 选择填空(Multiple-choice
31—35:  CDBBA    36—40:  BCACD     41—45:  CBACB
II 阅读理解(Reading comprehension   A) 46—50:  CDBCB
B) 51. The (basic) principles and the importance of social psychology.
52. Monday and Wednesday 1:00— 2:00 pm.
53. How much you participate in class discussions.
54. Percents / Percentages.      55. wife    56. Scotland     57. body
58. Clive Greenwood          59. missing 60. clothes
61. Train full-time       62. At (a) university      63. latest technology
64. 今天的运动员比过去的运动员更了解他们的身体如何运动。
65. 为了提高成绩,运动员们同教练一道分析并研究他们身体运动的方式。
III. 完形填空(Cloze
 A) 66. originally  67. violence  68. suitable  69. instructors  70. strength
 B) 71. best       72. enter     73. carries    74. quality      75. aware
76. unless    77. aspects / areas    78. happiness    79. all   80. lesson
IV. 翻译(Translation
81. She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey fence in a grey backyard.
82. I was so weak and tired that I could only get down onto my knees and start moving across the sand on all fours.
83. As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect and support each other.
84. You will regret it if you continue making up such stupid stories.
85. It is at our mother’s knee that we get our highest ideals.
V. 短文改错(Error correction
I am a foreign student at a language school in the city.                 86.
The another day my little brother and I were walking downtown and     87. other
came across a children’s photo studio with very unusual           88. with 后加a
business sign. Needless to say, I won’t be taking my little brother to 89.去掉to
there anytime soon, because on the sign were the following word,    90. words
“Eats Children Photography”.Would you like to send his little brother  91. your
to a photographer who eats children? Spelt errors are a big           92. Spelling
problem on English language signs in China. Sometime a small      93. Sometimes
mistake can cause a huge change with meaning. In some cases, the    94. in
result is terrified. Can you correct the error on the sign for him? (“Eats”should be “East”.)                                                  95. terrifying
VI. 智力测试(IQ
96. Fish.    97. Eighteen feet long.      98. In the dictionary.
99. sink 100. Clumsy.  (1) back   (2) hill   (3) blue   (4) lamb
(5) desk   (6) boys
VII. 写作(Writing
A) One possible version:
Dear Jim,
Here’s some information about the language course for next term.
Registration will be 10:00—16:00 on September 6th and 7th. There will be a big queue, so you need to be there early. The first lesson will begin at 9:15 on Wednesday. You’ll only get a good seat if you go to the classroom early. Before you start classes, you’ll have to get all the books you need. The college bookshop opens at
9:00 am on September 7. You’ll need to spend 50 there, but you could have my old books for 25. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
B) The first possible version:
Education is very important to Chinese families. Even when a family moves to another place, it makes sure the children do well in their studies there. I think parents, teachers, experts and students should work together to solve any problems they may     face. Parents need to be involved so that the schools serve the needs of the community. Teachers are responsible for providing instruction for the students, so they should be dedicated to teaching every student well. They should look to experts to help them teach better. Finally, students should share in the solution to problems as most difficulties come from their lack of progress. As officials have no training in teaching and education, it is better for them to allow experts to solve the problems.
The second possible version:
Everyone is interested in improving education, so that all students will be able to contribute to society. However, some schools are better than others. What should be done to make education equal for all students? In my opinion, teachers should be responsible for improving schools and making sure all students get the same chance to do well.The government should take measures to make sure every school has excellent teachers and every student has no key schools for just the best students. All students should have the same chance of having the best teachers. Students look to the schools and teachers to give them the best education possible.
Part I. Responses
 Listen to the following questions and choose the best response to each one. Each question will be read only once.
 1. Hello, Bill. How’s it going?
 2. It was a very nice reception, wasn’t it?
 3. This is Carl. May I speak to Jack?
 4. Where on earth did I put my glasses?
 5. You know a lot about it. Would you like to come with us?
Part II. Dialogues
A) Listen to the following mini-dialogues and choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.
6. W: If I were you, I’d take the bus to work. Driving in that rush-hour traffic is terrible.
 M: But, you know, by the time the bus gets to my stop, there aren’t any seats left.
 Q: How will the man probably go to work?
 7. W: It was a real shock because I hadn’t expected such an expensive birthday present!
 M: Lucky you! Now, you won’t have to argue about the channels with your husband.
 Q: What birthday present has the woman just received?
8. W: You’re flying on Saturday, aren’t you?
 M: That’s right--my first flight.
 W: I was scared the first time I went in an aer
M: Oh, I can’t wait. I bet it’ll be the highlight of the trip.
 Q: How does the man feel about flying?
 9. M: We could go to a ball game this evening, or would you rather have dinner in a restaurant and then see a film?
 W: To tell you the truth, I can’t really go anywhere this evening, because I’m expecting an important phone call.
 Q: Why will the woman stay home in the evening?
10. M: What seems to be wrong with you, Jane?
 W: Something is missing, but I can’t think what it could be.
 M: Forget it! We’re on the train and it’s starting. And ... Where’s Tommy?
 W: Tommy? Oh, God!
 Q: What do we learn about the speakers?
B) Listen to the following dialogues to choose the best answer to each question. The dialogues will be read twice.
Dialogue 1
W: Wake up, Eric. It’s time to rise and shine.
M: Oh, hi, Kate, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.
W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.
M: Well, the classroom’s too noisy to study in and I guess this place is too quiet. What’s the time?
W: A quarter to eleven. Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?
M: No, Professor Grant told us to write about anything on Eastern culture. For once, I wish she hadn’t given us so much of a choice.
W: Well, why not write about Chinese culture? You seem to be interested in that part of the world.
M: I am, but there’s too much material to cover. I’ll be writing forever, and Professor Grant only wants five to seven pages.
W: So then limit it to one place in China, say Beijing. You’ve been there and you said it’s got lots of places of interest and you enjoyed your trip very much.
M: That’s not a bad idea. I brought lots of books and brochures back with me last summer. That would be great resource material. Now, if I can only remember where I put them.
W: Well, remember we need some time to relax, too. By the way, have you tried the new restaurant in town yet?
M: Yes, I went there last night with my mother.
W: What did you think of it? I may go there this weekend.
M: Well, the food was good, but it took ages to arrive. When it finally did, I have to say that it certainly was worth waiting for.
W: What about the price?
M: Well, it did cost rather more than we were expecting to pay.
Dialogue 2
W: Welcome to the programme. I have with me today Steve Sedley, who’s just returned from a rather unusual trip. Steve, how does it feel now you’ re back?
M: Excellent... well, of course I had a wonderful time... but ...!
W: I’m sure everyone asks you this question but ... what drove you to make such a journey?
M: Well, as a child I read books about the explorers who went to the South Pole and the great travellers who crossed Europe and Asia... I wanted to follow in their footsteps. Africa has always fascinated me so I decided to walk from south to north. I just wanted to show the world what I, as a disabled person, could do.
W: Yes... indeed...well, you certainly did that. How long was your journey in total?
M: Well...all in all, it took two years and one month. It would have taken less time but I decided to stop over in one place for a few months.
W: Was that because you were sick?
M: No, it was because I made friends with a guy I met on the road and he asked me to stay and work with his family, to help bring in the harvest.
W: What was the worst thing that happened to you?
M: Undoubtedly, when I was suspected...there was this officer at the border of...mentioning no names, who said unless I paid a fine, he would hand me over to the police.
W: How did you get out of it?
M: Well ... a journalist from a local newspaper helped me.
W: That was lucky. One final question ... would you do it again?
M: Well, not exactly the same, but I wouldn’t mind trying it on a motorbike...
W: Well, the best of luck to you with that. Thank you very much.
Part III. Passages
Passage A
Listen to the following material and choose the best answer to each question. The material will be read twice.
Right, everyone—about the trip to the Jubilee Arts Centre next Wednesday. As you know, we have tickets for the centre’s two theatres and the concert hall: piano music by Chopin and Schumann, Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and The Wild Duck by Ibsen. Although all these tickets have gone, if anyone else would like to join us on the trip, I can get tickets for the cinema to see the Australian film Spider and Rose.
The shows begin at half past seven, but the bus will leave at 3:30, so you will have some time to look round the Arts Centre.
The Centre has a lot for art-lovers. With your student card, you can get into the exhibition of the history of Russian ballet very cheaply. On the ground floor and first floor, there are also some interesting free exhibitions: prize-winning paintings from a children’s competition, gold jewellery made by Scottish artists, and an exhibition of South American photographs ...
If you’re more interested in clothes and shoes, there’s a large shopping centre five minutes’ walk from the Arts Centre. The Centre has a bookshop and a souvenir shop by the ticket office. There’s also Charlie’s coffee bar, which serves coffee, sandwiches and cakes.You can only get cold drinks and ice cream from the cinema. You may like to have dinner at the Fountain Restaurant.
Passage B
Listen to the following material and fill in each blank with no more than three words. The material will be read twice.
Have you ever dreamt of inventing something beautiful? I have been investigating the world of inventions. Now I have two examples.
Example number one: the rubber tyre was first invented in 1845 by a London engineer for use on the wheels of carriages, but it didn’ t succeed because rubber was so expensive at that time. So it wasn’ t until about 40 years later that Dunlop came up with the same idea, and this time it was an immediate success. He changed the solid rubber tyres for tyres filled with air.
However, in terms of having a simple and successful idea, you have to admire Percy Shaw. One dark, foggy night in 1933, he saw a cat’eyes shining brightly in he light of his headlights. This everyday experience gave him the idea for a revolutionary form of road-marking for night driving—a convex lens backed by a mirror. These were put into a rubber pad, which was protected by an iron case, and set into the middle of the road. The lens and mirror are positioned so that they will reflect the light from a car’s headlights back to the driver. This simple device made life so much easier for drivers at night. A year after he first had the idea, Shaw opened a factory to manufacture his “cats’eyes” and became rich and famous.

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